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- Document Times
- Frameworks
- Style Guide
- Pre-processer
- PostCSS
- Application Times
- Shadow DOM
- CSS “4”
- Naming Convention
- Atomic CSS
- CSS in JS
- CSS Modules
- Interoperable CSS
- PostCSS, again
- My Opinionated Proposal
- POCss
POCss: Page Override Components CSS
1. Scoping Components
CSS Blocks should only be used inside a component of the same name.
// Component/index.scss
.ComponentName {
&--mofierName {}
&__decendentName {
&--modifierName {}
.isStateOfComponent {}
// Component/index.js
CSS is always bundled with components
(from loading, mount to unmount)
2. Components can be Overrode by Pages
There is always requirements to rewrite styles of components in pages
// Pages/PageA.scss
#PageA {
.pagelet-name {
.pagelet-descendent-name {}
.ComponentName{ /* override */ }
// Pages/index.js
- #Page for absolutely scoping between pages
- .pagelet-name should be lowercase to prevent conflicting with components
Why POC?
It’s technology-agnostic One css framework can be played with whatever technology stacks
You can combined Scss, PostCSS and whatever you want -
Solving problems, and easy Makes reading and teamwork much easier
Get all benefit from BEM, SUITCSS and others -
Leverage the power of cascading properly Scoping components but allow reasonable overriding
It’s pragmatic, flexible and hitting the sweet spot